Monday, December 3, 2012

Who is the maker of Apple crisis

Who is the dominant smartphone and tablet computer market? A year ago, this was a simple and could not be more simple question, but one year later, this issue left many people scratching their heads, because the option in addition to Apple, as well as Samsung.

Three months ago, called the Trial of the Century "Apple Samsung patent case ruling, the results obtained in the United States, ruled that Apple need to compensate the huge economic losses of $ 1.05 billion Samsung loses. However, for the case of the two main characters, which not only did not become the end of the story, instead, he sounded the horn comprehensive upgrade of the war. Will be supplied to Apple's mobile processor prices by 20%, Samsung recently stopped the key parts to the Apple supply battery; to get rid of dependence on Samsung, Apple also began looking for a replacement on a global scale, and accelerate their own "Samsung" footsteps.

Apple acceleration "leaving Samsung"

Recently, Samsung and Apple in China busy, the former busy rectification "sweatshop suppliers in China, the latter busy Chinese suppliers plus orders. However, for the acceleration of the process "to Samsung of" Apple, the challenge has just begun.

As the world's most advanced electronic components manufacturers, Samsung important position in the procurement system of Apple. Accounts based on publicly available information, before the iPhone5, Apple's iPhone series products the total price of 40% of the parts provided by Samsung, throughout the core components such as processors, panel, memory, battery.

"Apple wants to rid itself of Samsung is also very difficult," Joseph Chu Chi, vice president of Comtech core City panel, battery, these are also difficult to find stopgap processor is the most troublesome. "

IPhone5 production, Apple wanted to processor orders to China Taiwan enterprises TSMC, but because of technical shortcomings, Apple eventually A6 processor production all over rival Samsung.

Joseph Chu Chi said, "IC components, the processor is the most complex, especially in large-scale production, high requirements on the production line, Apple headache, other components, Samsung just which Apple suppliers, processor, Samsung is the exclusive supplier. "

According to Taiwan media reports, TSMC may become Apple's processor vendors in the next year, but due to TSMC, Qualcomm, Nvidia large customers, so Apple should really take over the order, how to coordinate the production capacity is a major problem.

Samsung to expand market share gap

"Samsung's rise speed beyond Apple, and even the whole industry is expected originally cooperation than competition relationship quickly turned into a competition than cooperation." Said Joseph Chu Chi evaluation.

The second quarter of 2012, according to data released by the U.S. research firm IDC, the global smart phone shipments, Samsung and Apple teamed grabbed half of, but Samsung is 32.6%, Apple 16.9%, almost only half of the opponent. The same period last year, Samsung and Apple's share of respectively 17% and 18.8%, Apple is also slightly better. Although the iPhone5 release in September, Apple sales to achieve a high growth of 57.3 percent year on year, but Samsung's sales in the quarter year-on-year increase of up to 100.4%, and further widen the gap with Apple in terms of scale.

Both competitive landscape changes quickly led to the shock of the capital market. In the past two months, Apple and Samsung's share price out of the two diametrically opposite curve: the former price fell below the $ 600 mark, the market value has shrunk to two percent in mid-November to a record low of $ 528 six months; while the latter stock but in the Korean stock market rise higher and higher, with a record high in November, the market value of close to $ 200 billion, higher than the sum of Japan's top five electronics giant also twice.

However, this is somewhat puzzling. Three months ago "Trial of the Century", the winner is clearly Apple, why the court winner retreat, losers instead siren song?

Insiders familiar with patent cases to reporters just T account, $ 1,050,000,000, for many companies, can be described as astronomical, but for Samsung, which is not what a lot of money. Samsung last year sold more than 90 million units of smartphones 10.5 billion allocated to every intelligent machines cost only $ 10 to succeed. "

In his opinion, Samsung is successfully hit the time difference. Patent case a dozen year or so, judgment finished, Samsung flew again appeal to compensation when payment is still unknown, but in the process, Samsung can be hard to sell the machine, as long as sell more, this compensation gold will soon be able to come back. "

Moreover, Apple's original claim amount is $ 2.5 billion and require comprehensive ban Samsung's infringing products in the United States. But final judgment ruled that Apple's favor, but the amount of compensation has shrunk nearly 60%, the embargo has not promulgated. Moreover, the case takes up to 16 months, so the original case in many models, Samsung has long been upgrading, even if the lock-up, Samsung has also limited.

Even more depressed Apple, this $ 1.05 billion, become part of Samsung's "advertising costs".

A mobile advertising company executive told reporters, "and giant PK is a top marketing tool, if successful, flew an equal footing to establish in the minds of consumers with giant market position, of course, this approach is difficulty of the operation very high. "

Jobs dividend "has done?

The iPhone5 release of Apple's official claim that 200 million mobile phones only 1 hour ordered a blank iPhone4 and iPhone4S completed this achievement rate is 22 hours and 20 hours respectively.

While Apple digital persuasive efforts to prove to the outside world that the iPhone5 outstanding but still can not stop outside iPhone5 the various Tucao of, including photographs appear purple, back cover will Diaoqi the and so on.

A large number of analysts think the iPhone came out, Apple is disruptive innovation, but revolutionary jump no, as perceived by many users, iPhone5 seems just minor repairs, look and feel and iPhone4 and not qualitatively different .

Joseph Chu Chi seems Apple is now some lonely at the top. From 90 cents to 95 points "easy progress 60 points to 90 points, to be much more difficult. Previous iPhone products, the production of one or two quarters, with the yield enhance the production costs there will be a decline of 10%, however, The iPhone5 the yield rate is not expected to enhance, which would lower the profits of the apple. "

Three quarters of timekeeping in the announcement, Apple CEO Cook admitted that the next quarter, Apple's gross margin will be reduced to about 36%, marking the lowest level in four years, and Q3 Apple's gross profit margin of up to 44%.

Is Steve Jobs left the bonus has been depleted?

The well-known IT critic Wei Wu Hui believes that as a company, it is sooner or later to be mediocre and even death, but not now. Apple as long as the underlying application well, so that more users like iPhone, there will be more application developers around the Apple ecosystem, to attract more users. This is a virtuous cycle as long as the cycle is not destroyed, Apple the good old days will not end. "

Although Samsung has overall layout of the supply chain, more than 70% of the parts can be self-sufficient, but Samsung system Google Android. In other words, Samsung profitability is dependent on hardware, Apple was able Zuoyoukaigong, integrated "Flex", according to Apple's official said, Apple last year to the share of the global developer up to $ 5,000,000,000.

Thus, while Samsung throw off the scale, but on profitability, Apple is still stronger than the Samsung. Apple earnings Q3 net profit up 24%, to $ 8.2 billion, while Samsung's net profit was $ 6,000,000,000.

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