Friday, December 28, 2012

Southeast Asian economies stun global

Both from the point of view of economic growth or capital market performance, the Southeast Asian economies this year, quite a "star" momentum, which requires several reasons:

First, the demographic structure of the region has certain advantages, the steady growth in the middle class become the main driving force to stimulate domestic demand; Second, good economic and financial fundamentals of most countries in Southeast Asia, policy space, which has become the country such as Thailand and the Philippines able to achieve the monetary and fiscal policy, the main reason of the "double-wide"; Third, the steady advancement of the process of economic integration in ASEAN, the beginning of the integration of capital markets and the related economic mutually beneficial agreement to implement derivative tremendous synergies; fourth, Thailand floods start the large fund projects and reconstruction projects as well as the implementation of the entire ASEAN region infrastructure upgrade, a favorable factor for stimulating local investment and foreign capital inflows.

Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines, the "Asian tigers," said the third quarter GDP growth rate of 6.17%, 3%, 5.2% and 7.1%, respectively. At present, the proportion of these four countries, the current account surplus to GDP were 0.2%, 3.4%, 11% and 3.1%, the proportion of government debt to GDP of 25%, 42%, 53% and 41%, the budget deficit was 1.6 %, 1.5%, 5.3% and 2% of the overall economic and financial fundamentals are relatively healthy.

International institutions is very optimistic about the economy in Southeast Asia and the ASEAN integration process. According to the latest IMF forecast, the five ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam) in 2012, the economic growth rate will reach 5.4 percent, is expected to improve to 5.8% in 2013, and in 2011, a growth rate of 4.5%.

Terms of the performance of the capital markets, as of mid-December, the Philippines and Thailand's main stock index this year has risen by 39% and 37%, or leader in Asia stock index, performance ranked 4th in Bloomberg included the world's 94 major stock index and 7.

This year, the Southeast Asian market is one of the major investment destination for foreign investors favor and keep capital from the stock and bond markets of the region since the beginning of this year, which can be seen in the net inflow. According to the fund of funds monitoring agency EPFR's data, as of December, Thailand shares the base and Indonesian shares base to attract 1.72 billion and $ 1.27 billion of net inflows, the Philippines and Malaysia shares based Total attract the approximately $ 1.5 billion net inflow; to the four countries of the zhaiji this year also attracted a net inflow of nearly $ 7 billion.

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