Thursday, April 4, 2013

New York KFC and McDonald's employees go on strike

CNN reported Naquasia Legrand in Brooklyn, New York City, a KFC restaurant , her hourly wage is $ 7.70. Her recent work hours be reduced by more than a third, which led to her inability to pay the bills.

The Legrand Thursday joined the fast food industry workers protest in New York City. Organizers expected to be there from 70 McDonald's [micro-Bo] (MCD), Wendy's (WEN), Hamburg Wang (Burger King) (BKW) and Yum (YUM)'s Pizza Hut [micro-Bo] and KFC restaurants of workers to participate in protests . From the industry of labor, community and religious groups to form an alliance called fast forward (Fast Food Forward).

Jonathan Westin said in a McDonald's restaurant dynasty near the square, dozens of workers leave their jobs, executive director of New York Communities for Change, one of the promoters of the protest community. He also said that the Brooklyn, Flatbush Avenue, a Burger King restaurant failed to open for business, because there are too many workers workers.

Burger King, a spokeswoman confirmed that this restaurant delayed 15 stores open for business.

The organizers require employers to workers increase the minimum wage to $ 15 per hour, does not strike retaliation and intimidation. New York Department of Labor data show that New York City 50000 fast food industry workers' hourly median wage is $ 9, the equivalent of $ 18,500 per year. The Census Bureau a four this poverty line is $ 23,000.

LeGrand, 21 years old, she with her grandmother, aunt and cousin live together, because she can not afford a place to live independently. She said, "I had to make the decision to buy a MetroCard or eat."

This is not a LeGrand first strike. Her in November last year, together with 50 Manhattan fast food industry workers went on strike, asking similar expedients.

Soon, Legrand hourly wages rose 20 cents, but her weekly working hours reduced from 38 hours to 24 hours. Five months later, her weekly working hours, leaving only 11.5 hours.

She said, "My manager said she was hired new staff, this is the reason of the reduction in working hours." But she thinks it with her last year participated in the strike.

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