Sunday, April 7, 2013

The large exposure of Global tax evasion: covering 170 countries, over 20 trillion funds

"Sueddeutsche Zeitung" and the North German television station recently reported that an anonymous source to the many international media provides a large number of data about the world's "tax havens" secret deal. These materials involving 170 countries, 13 million people, the disclosure of secret means of how to take a large number of rich and some criminal groups, through start-up offshore companies and the "shell" company in the world "tax havens" huge assets hidden, evade taxes.

It is reported that the amount of information of this batch of data up to 260g, the German media called "the largest ever data leak. Including 2.5 million documents. Provide material claiming that he was 15 months ago have the data available to the International Investigative Journalism Network (ICIJ). " Later media in 46 countries around the world and from the network, a batch of data, including Germany's Sueddeutsche Zeitung "and" North German television. These media after several months of research on the above information, the unity of action, the part of the disclosure.

In these materials, one can see how many of the world's economic circles dignitaries, arms dealers in "tax havens" to carry out business activities, the document also includes more than 200 million copies of e-mail, and more than 12 engaged in "tax havens" run the list of offshore companies and trusts. Materials related to "tax havens": the British Virgin Islands, the Cook Islands, Samoa, the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, Singapore, Mauritius, Malaysia and the Seychelles. As for how much money black transactions to evade taxes, can only be roughly estimated. "Tax Justice Network" that non-governmental organizations in the UK by the end of 2010, hiding in the global "tax havens" the funds about 21000000000000-32000000000000 U.S. dollars between.

"Süddeutsche Zeitung", in the disclosure of the list of hundreds of German, including the late Industrial heirs sax. According to reports, he died before their huge assets devoted to "tax havens", the German tax authorities can not be fully aware of his assets. In addition, the published information related to Deutsche Bank, for which the line has also been criticized.

Group of materials whose full disclosure of the secret activities of many of the world's offshore companies will be exposed to a large number of tax evaders will be so troubled. "Süddeutsche Zeitung" and other media reports, once published, will be in Germany and Europe caused no small vibration. German government welcomes this. A spokesman of the Federal Ministry of Finance said that he hopes the media can these materials to the Government, so that the tax authorities on the analysis and evaluation of these data, and thus illegal to hit. Some politicians in Germany and the European Union have also called on the EU countries should strengthen cooperation to effectively combat tax evasion and tax evasion, not to leave room.

According to reports, the "global tax evasion large exposure" French President Hollande suffered implicated. The Hollande campaign accounts director Jean-Jacques Ogier operate in "tax havens", and the resignation of the former French budget minister also disclosed Zach has a personal bank account in a foreign country. Currently, France's opposition requires of Hollande restructuring government voices rising up again. Months has been the rise in unemployment, a large number of enterprises bankrupt, Hollande, Socialist Party, plagued by weak economic growth, but also encountered trouble of "tax evasion", which is undoubtedly worse.

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