40 Useful Javascript Tips
The following 40 javascript tips are commonly for web design.Them will be useful for the web designer.
1. Oncontextmenu = "window.event.returnValue = false" will completely shield the mouse right button
<table border oncontextmenu=return(false)><td>no</table> can be used for Table
2. <body Onselectstart="return false"> deselect to prevent copying
3. Onpaste = "return false" forbid to paste
4. Oncopy = "return false;" oncut = "return false;" to prevent copying
5. <link Rel="Shortcut Icon" href="favicon.ico"> IE address bar replace your icon before
6. <link Rel="Bookmark" href="favicon.ico"> can show your favorites icon
7. <input Style="ime-mode:disabled"> off input
8 will always be with a framework
<script language="JavaScript"> <! -
if (window == top) top.location.href = "frames.htm"; //frames.htm page as a framework
9.Prevent the frame being
if (top.location! = self.location) top.location = self.location;
10.Pages will not be saved as
<noscript> <iframe src="/blog/*.html> "; </iframe> </noscript>
11. <Input type = button value = View page source code
onclick = "window.location =" view-source: "+" http://www.computerites.com/ "">
12.Deleting confirm
<a href="javascript:if(confirm("Really delete?"))location="boos.asp?&areyou=delete&page=1""> delete </a> _fcksavedurl = "" javascript: if (confirm ("really delete it?")) location = "boos.asp? & areyou = delete & page = 1" "> Delete </a>"
If you want to read more ,please view 40 Useful http://www.computerites.com/web-design-skills/2011/12/40-useful-javascript-tips-179.html